Natural Stones Designs
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Über uns
With its varying colors and surface shapes, natural stones touch all our senses. Each has its own special effect upon us.
Our product line of more than eight hundred natural stones makes it possible for us to select the right material for every area of application – be it as a result of its technical properties or because of a sense of personal style.
In so doing, we treasure the richness and the fullness of nature, which seems to be practically limitless.
Unsere Dienstleistungen
Architecture bibendum eros eget lacus the vulputate sit amet vehicuta nibhen ulicera in the vitae miss.
Urban Design
Architecture bibendum eros eget lacus the vulputate sit amet vehicuta nibhen ulicera in the vitae miss.
Interior Design
Architecture bibendum eros eget lacus the vulputate sit amet vehicuta nibhen ulicera in the vitae miss.
Unsere Projekte
We build High Quality Modular Houses, Steel-Structured Buildings, Economic Premanufactured Homes, Cold Warehouses, Water Purification Plants and Turn-Key Factories.
Incredible Renovation Project
Do you have a question regarding interior design? We are happy to advise you when it comes to: Renovate or move: making the right choice.
Cotton House
Architecture non lorem ac erat suscipit bibendum. Nulla facilisi. Sedeuter nunc volutpat, mollis sapien vel, conseyer turpeutionyer masin libero sempe. Fusceler mollis augue sit amet
Unsere Produkte
Marble adds a sophisticated and elegant touch to your home. Because of its maintenance it is best to use it for flooring, wall cladding and as a decoration element (e.g. foyers, fireplaces, showers). For heavily used surfaces like countertops it is not ideal, considering that it is a delicate material.
Onyx adds a glamorous element to your home. With its wide array of colors and patterns, Onyx is a great choice for dramatic impact. It is a highly decorative stone which is pronounced best in backlit applications.
An excellent choice for kitchen countertops, floors & other heavily used surfaces. Granite has long enjoyed use as exterior cladding & pavement material as well. Its inherent strength, abrasion resistance & superior weathering durability are likely to keep it one of the preeminent material selections available to today’s architects.
This stone is widely used as a building stone. Popular uses include countertops, floorings, interior and exterior wall cladding and exterior paving. Limestone is a versatile material, it can also be shaped to make decorative elements within your home.
An extremely strong and durable natural stone. When heated, individual Quartz pieces crystallize giving it a beautiful and decorative sparkling pattern. Due to its durability it is perfect for almost all in and outdoor area applications. Its beauty and strength makes it one of our favourite stones to work with.
Travertine is a type of limestone and one of the most popular stones for exterior use. It is a classic feature of architectural elements.