Natural Stones Designs
With its varying colors and surface shapes, natural stones touch all our senses.
Each has its own special effect upon us.
Our product line of more than eighthundred natural stones makes it possible for us to select the right material for every area of application – be it as a result of its technical properties or because of a sense of personal style.
In so doing, we treasure the richness and the fullness of nature, which seems to be practically limitless.
About Us
Turnkey design & build
Our turnkey project approach offers a clear structure to deliver a project within time and budget.
We do this completely brand-independently and at every ambition level. With our flexible and interdisciplinary team, we skillfully combine theoretical and practical knowledge.
We are used to working within task-setting budgets and set ourselves the goal of unburdening our clients 100%.
We operate as a risk-bearing contractor, taking care of the entire project for you.
Our Services
Working in project teams
Our turnkey design & construction team consists of project consultants, interior architects, architectural architects and project managers. Every interior project is supervised by a permanent project team.
Urban Design
Do you have a question regarding urban design?
We are happy to advise you when it comes to:
Renovate or move: making the right choice based on data. Which business premises best suit your ambitions and goals. How and why your culture & identity form the basis for a successful housing concept. Determining a workplace concept. Developing a branding & identity. Determining a starting point and/or ambition for sustainability and circularity. Change management: how do you involve your employees in a change and how do you keep employees, teams and your organization agile?
Interior Design
An interior architect, architect and structural engineer: they are responsible for the entire design process, which includes the concept, design, dimensional and working drawings. In addition, they will have discussions about detailing, construction, building technology and installations with suppliers, contractors, interior builders and other third parties in order to achieve, control and monitor the intended quality level in close collaboration with them.
Can we help you with housing advice?
Please contact one of our Facility Housing advisors for a no-obligation consultation. Together we look at which steps you can best take to make your accommodation an optimal working environment. Are you curious what a next step looks like? View our turnkey project approach.
Urban Design
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Interior Design
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Our Projects
We build High Quality Modular Houses, Steel-Structured Buildings, Economic Premanufactured Homes, Cold Warehouses, Water Purification Plants and Turn-Key Factories.
Incredible Renovation Project
Do you have a question regarding interior design? We are happy to advise you when it comes to: Renovate or move: making the right choice.
Cotton House
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Our Products
Marble adds a sophisticated and elegant touch to your home. Because of its maintenance it is best to use it for flooring, wall cladding and as a decoration element (e.g. foyers, fireplaces, showers). For heavily used surfaces like countertops it is not ideal, considering that it is a delicate material.
Onyx adds a glamorous element to your home. With its wide array of colors and patterns, Onyx is a great choice for dramatic impact. It is a highly decorative stone which is pronounced best in backlit applications.
Marble adds a sophisticated and elegant touch to your home. Because of its maintenance it is best to use it for flooring, wall cladding and as a decoration element (e.g. foyers, fireplaces, showers). For heavily used surfaces like countertops it is not ideal, considering that it is a delicate material.
Marble adds a sophisticated and elegant touch to your home. Because of its maintenance it is best to use it for flooring, wall cladding and as a decoration element (e.g. foyers, fireplaces, showers). For heavily used surfaces like countertops it is not ideal, considering that it is a delicate material.
An excellent choice for kitchen countertops, floors & other heavily used surfaces. Granite has long enjoyed use as exterior cladding & pavement material as well. Its inherent strength, abrasion resistance & superior weathering durability are likely to keep it one of the preeminent material selections available to today’s architects.
This stone is widely used as a building stone. Popular uses include countertops, floorings, interior and exterior wall cladding and exterior paving. Limestone is a versatile material, it can also be shaped to make decorative elements within your home.
Marble adds a sophisticated and elegant touch to your home. Because of its maintenance it is best to use it for flooring, wall cladding and as a decoration element (e.g. foyers, fireplaces, showers). For heavily used surfaces like countertops it is not ideal, considering that it is a delicate material.
An extremely strong and durable natural stone. When heated, individual Quartz pieces crystallize giving it a beautiful and decorative sparkling pattern. Due to its durability it is perfect for almost all in and outdoor area applications. Its beauty and strength makes it one of our favourite stones to work with.
Travertine is a type of limestone and one of the most popular stones for exterior use. It is a classic feature of architectural elements.
Onyx adds a sdsdelement to your home. With its wide array of colors and patterns, Onyx is a great choice for dramatic impact. It is a highly decorative stone which is pronounced best in backlit applications.
Marble adds a sophisticated and elegant touch to your home. Because of its maintenance it is best to use it for flooring, wall cladding and as a decoration element (e.g. foyers, fireplaces, showers). For heavily used surfaces like countertops it is not ideal, considering that it is a delicate material.